D124 Staff gathered to celebrate the end of another school year and recognize the outstanding work taking place in our schools each day.
We celebrated the years of service of our staff with the longest-serving award celebrating 30 years in our district!
Years of Service Celebrations include:
5 Years
Shavon Brewer - NW
Kristen Campbell - NW
Janet Fettig - Tech/CMS
Katelyn Gaeta - NW
Margaret Hammer - D.O
Tiffany Knight - SE
Christina Lavin - Assistant Principal/CMS
Ann Magdziasz - CMS
Thomas Messina - Buildings & Grounds/District
Rosanna Orozco-Enriquez - CMS
Nathaniel Stonequist - Buildings & Grounds/NE
10 Years
Elia Alexander - NE
Tracey Gleason - SE
Timothy Hanenburg - CMS
Julie Hemry - Food Service - CMS
James Hennessy - Operations & Maintenance/District
Paola Polasek - CMS
James Wrage - Operations & Maintenance/CMS
15 Years
Kimberly Welcome - NW
20 Years
Lisa Banos-Cruz - CMS
Gregory Geyer - CMS
Emily O’Leary - SE
25 Years
Catherine Costello - SE
Donna Mulrenin - NW
30 Years
Lisa Reed - SE